Venture 16
The Venture 16 is the ultimate 16ft deluxe tender for Exploring, Fishing, Diving and Entertaining. The Venture 16 is outstanding for its comfort, style and the power to explore further and do more.
For any cruiser, the Venture 16 is the quickest and easiest way of getting around and transporting people, but for many they use it for much more.
Serious cruisers, sport fishing yachts and explorers are passionate about fun and interesting activities such as exploring, fishing, diving, snorkeling, towing sports like skiing or tubing, driving, relaxing and cocktail cruising.
Something that sets the Venture apart from all other tenders is the way we integrated features you would normally find on dedicated sport boats into a stylish and very comfortable design. These features will help you and your guests enjoy the activities you are passionate about.